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2024-02-13 14:48:16
美  英
sp.  高松[日本四国岛东北岸港市]


  1. Chengdu might reproduction 1996 TAKAMATSU in sight. 成都市区有可能再现1996年银装素裹的景象。
  2. Shenzhen City Takamatsu Machinery Co., Ltd.. 深圳市高松机械有限公司.
  3. Therefore, there is "clear water down Qianchi Cliffs, Takamatsu Baizhang Yuntao up. 故有“千尺危崖俯碧海,百丈高松撑云涛”之称。
  4. Takamatsu Club director with the staff welcomed all the friends visit, the great cause of plans! 厂长高松阁携全体员工欢迎各界朋友光临,共图大业!
  5. I attended a function for a personal sponsor, Richard Mille who are a prestigious watch manufacturer in a town called Takamatsu. 我参加了一个私人赞助商的仪式,他是在日本城市高松非常有声望的手表制造商。
  6. I have covered 16 projects by Toyo Ito, Shin Takamatsu, and Riken Yamamoto, how had worked in China tens years ago or just has been working with their new projects. 它收录了伊东丰雄、高松伸、山本理显三位建筑师6 的十六个作品和笔者与他们的访谈。他们都是近年来开始进入中国或是重新回到中国的日本著名建筑师。