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2024-02-13 15:05:17
美[tælkoʊs]  英[tælkəʊs]
adj.  (=talcose)滑石的;含滑石的


  1. The wall is, also here, commonly talcose, and the beds of phyllite are cut and dragged by the movements. 墙壁,这里也是,一般是滑石化的,千枚岩层被运动所切割、拖曳。
  2. These provide thechnical supports for the talcose porcelain to be located in high grad household fine... 这无疑为滑石瓷跻身于高档日用细瓷提供了技术支撑。
  3. Materiali da Costruzione: agente, agente alcalino, e alunite materie prime in polvere, polvere di talco. 建筑材料:膨胀剂、碱水剂、生熟明矾石及粉剂、滑石粉。
  4. Research on Ancient Talcose Artifact 广西古代滑石器研究
  5. Sociedade Industrial de Talcos de Angola 安哥拉滑石工业公司
  6. The wall is, also here, commonly talcose, and the beds of phyllite are cut and dragged by the movements 墙壁,这里也是,一般是滑石化的,千枚岩层被运动所切割、拖曳。