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2024-02-13 15:14:17
美[tɑːlə]  英[tɑːlə]
n.  泰勒元(德国的旧银币名)
sp.  =thaler.


  1. TALER: Hey, Elliott, wheres your goblin? 泰勒:嘿,艾略特,你的小妖怪在哪呀?
  2. Year by year the trees grow taler and taller. 这些树一年一年地长高了。
  3. Mr.Jackson:This is Nikelor Gra,and this is Calaire Taler. 杰克逊先生:这是尼克勒.;格雷;这是克莱尔
  4. The sentries ran thither, but as they got there, he had already hopped into another corner under a taler, and was crying, ho, ho, here am I. 卫兵跟着声音追过去时,小裁缝早就跑到另一袋金子下面,冲他们喊:“唉呀,我在这儿呢!”
  5. Then thumbling got safely through the crevice into the treasure-chamber, opened the window beneath which the robbers were standing, and threw out to them one taler after another. 就这样,大拇哥安全爬进了宝库,打开了一扇窗子。强盗们正在下面等他,他把一袋又一袋金子扔出窗外。
  6. With one-dimension stress wave theory,the principle ofinfluence of soft stratum on blasting effect taler a comparatively simple geological condition is explained in the paper . 本文就一种较简单的地质条件,用一维应力波理论,解释了软弱带对爆破效应的影响原理。