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2024-02-13 15:36:17
美[tɔːkɪ]  英[tɔːkɪ]
adj.  能言善辩的;话多的
  比较级:talkier  最高级:talkiest  名词:talkiness


  1. full of trivial conversation;

    "kept from her housework by gabby neighbors"


  1. I cant stand that person who is too talky. 我忍受不了那个人了,他话太多了。
  2. As an action movie, its talky, but it rocks. 作为一部动作片;它的对话太多了;但是它实在是厉害.
  3. Lucas: Its kind of like Episode IV -- its funny and theres action, but its lot more talky. 架构故事形式会有点像第四部曲...有趣与动作但多了很多对话。
  4. The Constant Gardener is talky and intelligent, and never takes the cheap way out. 这部电影有很多对白,充满智慧,而且从不俗气老套。
  5. First, put a walky talky some wear near the area of where your pet is laying.Go into another room with the other walky talky. 他们依旧在四月一日这天互赠礼物,组织庆祝新年的活动。
  6. Shoppers should consider fake foning anytime they spot a talky neighbor in the produce department pinching unripe peaches. 购物者在果蔬部看到爱扯老婆舌的邻居正在掐捏未成熟的桃子,应考虑随时进行“fakefoning”。