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2024-02-13 16:00:16
美  英
n.  犹太法典编著者


  1. The Jewish people are taught by Talmud. 犹太人受犹太教法典的教导。
  2. Shanghai Talmud Embroidery Machinery Co., Ltd. 上海塔木德刺绣机械有限公司。
  3. A strict observer of the Talmud and of rabbinical traditions. 犹太法学博士的信徒犹太教及犹太法学博士的传统的严格遵循者
  4. Jews who practice a religion based on the Old Testament and the Talmud. 信仰立基于基督教的旧约全书和犹太法典的犹太教派。
  5. We are envious of everyone except our own children, the Talmud says. 《塔木德经》上说,我们妒忌每一个人,只有自己的孩子除外。
  6. Jews who strictly observe the Mosaic Law as interpreted in the Talmud. 严格遵守犹太法典解释中的摩西律法的犹太教派。