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2024-02-13 16:03:17
美[tæloʊfɪbjʊlə(r)]  英[tæləʊfɪbjʊlə(r)]
adj.  [解]距(骨)腓(骨)的


  1. Accurate diagnosis necessitates distinguishing this mass from the adjacent anterior talofibular ligament. 正确的诊断还需要与相邻的前距腓韧带鉴别。
  2. Carefully preserve the calcaneofibular and talofibular ligaments to serve as a hinge and to maintain the integrity of the ankle after operation. 为了保持术后踝关节的完整与稳定,应仔细保护跟腓与距腓韧带,使其成为外踝牵开时的枢轴。
  3. Carefully presere the calcaneofibular and talofibular ligaments to sere as a hinge and to maintain the integrity of the ankle after operation. 为了保持术后踝关节的完整与稳定,应仔细保护跟腓与距腓韧带,使其成为外踝牵开时的枢轴。
  4. The typical injuries for swimmers were muscular chronic injuries at spine region,rotator cuff injury,anterior talofibular ligament injury,and patellar enthesiopathy. 最为常见的游泳创伤为腰肌损伤、肩袖损伤、距腓前韧带损伤、髌腱末端病等。
  5. Objective To explore methods of getting clear but without superimposition X ray projections of the lateral malleolus for avulsion fractures caused by anterior talofibular ligament (ATFL) and calcaneofibular ligament (CFL). 目的 探讨由前距腓韧带 (ATFL)和跟腓韧带 (CFL)所致撕脱骨折显像清楚而不重叠的X线投照方法。
  6. anterior talofibular ligament 距腓前韧带