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2024-02-13 16:20:16
美[tæməˌrɪsk]  英[tæmərɪsk]
n.  柽柳(枝条柔软的常绿灌木)


  1. 【植】柽柳
  2. 【植】撑柳
  3. 【植】柽柳属植物


  1. any shrub or small tree of the genus Tamarix having small scalelike or needle-shaped leaves and feathery racemes of small white or pinkish flowers; of mostly coastal areas with saline soil


  1. Eurasian shrub resembling the tamarisk. 类似柽柳的一种欧亚灌木。
  2. The Chionese tamarisk is the most common and familiar plant on high plateaus. 红柳是高原上最普通,最常见的一种植物。
  3. In the village, there has been legends going around about the Chinese tamarisk. 村子里一直流传着三春柳的传说。
  4. It has been shown by experimentation that a single Chinese tamarisk or rose willow on the Gobi is like a brave soldier that can block 2,500 cubic meters of drifting sand a year. 实验表明,戈壁滩上一棵柽柳便会如同一位孤胆战士,一年能拦截流沙2500立方米。
  5. Cold resistance Species selected are weeping willow,spruce,white elm,Chinese tamarisk and desert date. 经抗寒性分析得出垂柳、云杉、白榆、柽柳、沙枣抗冻性较强 ;
  6. Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba, and there he called upon the name of the Lord , the Eternal God. 亚伯拉罕在别是巴栽上一棵垂丝柳树,又在那里求告耶和华永生神的名。