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2024-02-13 16:28:17
美[tʌmbʊrə]  英[tæmbʊərə]
n.  坦布拉琴(一种印度长颈拨弦乐器)


  1. They played the tamboura as they were singing happily. 他们弹着冬不拉,唱着欢乐的民歌。
  2. The tamboura’s strings appear to have been sacrificed on a distant musical voyage, and now no traces remain. 或许在这捲曲牛皮纸、褪色照片和落尘冬不拉的袒护下,灵感就能滋生出绕梁的音符。
  3. It is used as a solo instrument with the tamboura (drone-lute) and tabla and in ensembles. 它被用作独奏乐器,与塔姆布拉琴(低音琴)和塔布拉鼓一起演奏。
  4. The oceans soothing melodies along with meditative, celestial sounds of the flute and tambura on ENVIRONMENT 1 flow together harmoniously to wash away the distractions of the day. 那舒缓的海洋声和发人深思的空灵长笛声以及印度塔姆布拉琴声和谐地交织在一起,替你冲刷掉一整天的杂乱思绪。
  5. This CD incorporates a global mixture of instruments, including the Chinese erhu, Japanese shakuhachi flute, East Indian tamboura and Tibetan bowls, as well as shimmering keyboard textures. 这张专辑里加入了世界各地的乐器,包含中国二胡、日本箫、东印度的塔布拉琴和西藏钵,以及还是很闪亮的键盘乐器。