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2024-02-13 17:27:16
美[tɑːŋgən]  英[tɑːŋgən]
n.  (西藏产的)健壮小马


  1. Hwanung metamorphosed himself, lay with her, and begot a son called Tangun Wanggom. 恒雄暂时化身为人,使她怀孕,生得一子,称为“檀君王俭”。
  2. Never mind the spurious precision of the date, or the statement that "Kojoson was established by Tangun," a mythical demi-god. 而全然不顾所捏造时间的精确性,也不忌讳神话人物“檀君创立了古朝鲜”这样的表述。
  3. Never mind the spurious precision of the date, or the statement that “Kojoson was established by Tangun,” a mythical demi-god. 而全然不顾所捏造时间的精确性,也不忌讳神话人物“檀君创立了古朝鲜”这样的表述。
  4. In the fiftieth year of the reign of Emperor Yao, Tangun made the walled city of Pyongyang the capital and called his country Choson. 在尧帝统治的第五十年,檀君定平壤为都城,称他的国家为朝鲜。
  5. Tangun, Koreas mythical founder, was born on its slopes, and Kim Jong Il, in his official biography, made sure he followed suit. Tangun,这位朝鲜的神秘奠基人,也生于长白山麓。在金正日官方的人物传记中,对自己的出生,他也要求这样记载。
  6. Indeed, the entire Korean nation is said to have descended from a bear who, according to legend, survived on mugwort and garlic for 20 days before turning into a woman and giving birth to Tangun, the father of Korea, 5,000 years ago. 事实上,根据传说,韩国是熊的后代,5000年前,一只熊靠艾蒿和蒜头度过了20天,然后变成女人,诞下一子,名曰“檀君”,即为韩国的祖先。