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2024-02-13 17:29:17
美[tænɪə]  英[tænɪə]
n.  [植]芋类


  1. Tania : Do you take him out every day? 坦尼亚:你每天都和他外出吗?
  2. H.Young, Tania Kindersley, Michael White and so on. 最喜欢的作家 Paulo Coelho; Terry Pratchett; E.
  3. But Tania being a Jewess, that brought up a moral question. 塔尼亚是犹太人,这引出一个道德问题。
  4. But weve always wanted the same thing,” says Tania. 但是我们的想法通常是一致的,”泰娜说。
  5. I shoot hot bolts into you, Tania, I do your ovaries incandescent. 塔尼亚,我把灼热的精液射进你的肉体,我叫你的卵巢发热。
  6. Tania said Your clothes are on back to front and inside out". 塔尼亚说:“你的衣服全都穿反了”。