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2024-02-13 17:40:17
美[tæŋket]  英[tæŋket]
n.  小坦克


  1. Apart from it, the TKD construction was the same, as of the TK tankette. 其他部分基本上和TK超轻型坦克相同。
  2. The TKS-D design was based upon a modified TKS tankette chassis - the same, as in the light artillery tractor C2P. TKS-D的设计采用了经过修改的TKS超轻型坦克的底盘也就是C2P轻型火炮牵引车。
  3. It differed from the TKS tankette by using side clutches in a transmission and bigger idler wheels, which were last roadwheels as well. 和TKS不同的是传动装置采用了侧离合器和一个更大的诱导轮,同时也是最后一个负重轮。
  4. Lapuszewski and H.Lipko, under direction of R.Gundlach.In April 1937 there were two TKS-D prototypes completed, rebuilt from serial tankette TKS nr.8897 and a prototype tankette TKS-B nr.1510. 1937年4月,两辆TKS-D原型车完成,一辆是在序号8897的TKS超轻型坦克上改造而成,另一辆则是在序号1510的TKS-B超轻型坦克原型车的基础上改造。
  5. Sui Ran has the young players unique intrepid physical quality, by he symmetrical vigorous physique, transports the ball to howl high speed in the field, really a little looks like a tankette. 睢冉有着年轻球员特有的强悍的身体素质,以他匀称健硕的体格,高速地运着球在球场上呼啸而过,真有点像辆小坦克。