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2024-02-13 18:14:17
美[tæntɪvɪ]  英[tæntɪvɪ]
n.  疾驱;突进;狩猎时指示快追的喊声
adj.  疾速的
adv.  疾速的


  1. Fortunately the school leaves home not far, drive tantivy. 好在学校离家不远,赶快跑吧。
  2. Admire: (agog ground) children, tantivy, big grey wolf came! 倾心:(急切地)孩子们,快跑呀,大灰狼来了!
  3. All the way tantivy, out of breath, run kubla khah dripping wet. 一路快跑,上气不接下气,跑得大汗淋漓。
  4. Then, beijing net was called the Liu Xiao Wei of thief tantivy to appear. 于是,北京网名叫小偷快跑的刘晓卫出现了。
  5. Once the school bell sounded signaling dismissal, the children rose from their desks and headed tantivy for the exits. 一旦下课铃声发出解散的信号,孩子们就从座位上站起来冲向出口。
  6. "When the business opens meeting of board of directors, may other director can ask enterprise tantivytantivy. “企业开董事会会议的时候,可能其他的董事都会要求企业快跑快跑。