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2024-02-13 18:21:16
美[tænzəˌnaɪt]  英[tænzənaɪt]
n.  [矿]坦桑黝帘石(产于坦桑尼亚北部)


  1. The Tanzanite weighs .95 Carat Total Weight. 坦桑黝帘石重0.;95克拉。
  2. Our Tanzanite weighs .40 Carat Total Weight. 坦桑石总重0.;40克拉。
  3. The Princess cut Tanzanite weigh .30 Carat Total Weight. 公主方切割的坦桑石重0.;30克拉。
  4. The Round shaped Tanzanite weighs .45 Carat Total Weight. 圆形的坦桑石总重量为0.;45克拉。
  5. The oval shaped Tanzanite weighs 1.65 Carat Total Weight. 椭圆形的坦桑石重1.;65克拉。
  6. The oval shaped Tanzanite weigh .65 Carat Total Weight. 椭圆形的坦桑石重0.;65克拉。