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2024-02-13 18:28:16
美[teɪp]  英[teɪp]
n.  磁带;胶布;终点
v.  录音;录像;用胶布粘;用绳子捆绑;用卷尺测量
  形容词:tapeable  过去式:taped  过去分词:taped  现在分词:taping  第三人称单数:tapes


  1. (录音的)磁带,录音带,录像带
  2. 【体】纸带,带子
  3. 透明胶布,绝缘胶布,胶带
  4. 狭布条,狭带
  5. 卷尺,带尺
  6. 录了音的盒式磁带
  7. 录了像的盒式磁带
  1. 用带子捆扎,用带子系紧, 以带子绑起
  2. <美>缠绷带于,用绷带包扎
  3. 用卷尺量,测量
  4. 用胶布把…粘牢,粘着胶布
  5. 用磁带为…录音,录音,录制
  6. 彻底了解,摸清楚…的底细
  7. 钉上带子
  8. 【装钉】穿线钉(书)
  9. 估量,判断
  10. 拼缝胶带


  1. [C][U]带子 (a long thin piece of) narrow material used for various purposes such as tying up parcels, marking out areas of ground, etc.
  2. [C]录音磁带 a length of this on which a performance, piece of music, speech, etc. has been recorded
  1. vt. 用带子捆起来 fasten or tie with tape
  2. vt. & vi. 录音 record sound on tape


  1. a long thin piece of cloth or paper as used for binding or fastening;

    "he used a piece of tape for a belt" "he wrapped a tape around the package"

  2. a recording made on magnetic tape;

    "the several recordings were combined on a master tape"

  3. the finishing line for a foot race;

    "he broke the tape in record time"

  4. measuring instrument consisting of a narrow strip (cloth or metal) marked in inches or centimeters and used for measuring lengths;

    "the carpenter should have used his tape measure"

  5. memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information;

    "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview"

  1. fasten or attach with tape;

    "tape the shipping label to the box"

  2. record on videotape
  3. register electronically;

    "They recorded her singing"


  1. edit tape剪辑录音带
  2. make a tape录音
  3. play a tape播放录音带
  4. play back a tape重播录音带
  5. put on a tape播放录音带
  6. return the tape还磁带
  7. run the tape back倒磁带
  8. breast the tape冲到终点
  9. reach the tape到达终点
  10. wind a tape缠带子
  1. adhesive tape胶布,胶带
  2. blank tape空白磁带
  3. insulating tape胶带,绝缘胶布
  4. magnetic tape磁带
  5. masking tape防护胶布
  6. measuring tape卷尺
  7. red tape繁文缛节,文牍主义
  8. sticky tape胶布
  1. data tape数据带
  2. digital audio tape数字式录音磁带
  3. friction tape摩擦带,绝缘胶布
  4. name tape衣服上表明穿者姓名的布条
  5. programme tape程序带
  6. ticker tape自动收报机用的纸带
  7. video tape录像磁带
  1. tape a conversation用磁带把谈话录下来
  2. tape a note to a door用胶布把一张便条贴在门上
  3. tape a TV programme录下电视节目
  4. tape a watchmans mouth用胶布封住看守人的嘴
  5. tape the interview录下采访
  1. on tape在磁带上
  2. with tape用带子
  3. with a steel tape用钢卷尺
  1. tape completely完全录音
  2. tape coolly冷静地录音
  3. tape dramatically戏剧化地录音
  4. tape efficiently高效率地录音
  5. tape gravely认真地录音
  6. tape immediately立即录音
  7. tape incessantly持续不断地录音
  8. tape nervously紧张地录音
  9. tape openly公开录音
  10. tape simply简单地录音
  11. tape simultaneously同时〔同步〕录音
  12. tape slowly慢慢地录音
  13. tape temporarily暂时录音
  14. tape voluntarily自愿地录音
  15. tape up the wound用带子包扎伤口


  1. Ive got all the Beethoven symphonies on tape.我有贝多芬交响乐全部的录音带。
  2. Cassette tape recorders are gradually out of date now.现在,盒式磁带录音机渐渐过时了。
  3. Youd better put some insulating tape on electric wires.你最好给电线裹上绝缘胶布。
  4. The two runners broke the tape together.两位赛跑运动员在终点同时撞线。
  1. I taped a late-night radio show and listened to it in the morning.我录下午夜的收音机节目,早上听。
  2. We have taped the wedding ceremony.我们已经给婚礼录了像。
  3. Shall I tie the package or tape it?我把这个包裹捆起来还是贴胶带?
  4. The doctor has taped up my swollen ankle.医生用绷带把我肿起的脚踝包扎起来。
  5. Wrap a tape measure around your waist at the level of your navel.在腰部的肚脐水平位置用卷尺测量腰围。
  6. The first step is an accurate measurement of the walls that are to be covered.Use a yardstick or steel tape measure.第一步就是精确测量被覆盖了的墙面,使用标尺或者钢卷尺测量。


    tape用作名词的基本意思是“带子”,指用皮或布等做成的窄而长的条状物,用来绑扎东西,可用作可数名词,也可用作不可数名词。引申可作比赛的“终点线”解,作此解时,常用作单数形式,与定冠词the连用。 tape也可作“录音磁带”解,指能把表演、音乐、演讲等经过录音或经过机器记录下来而使声音或影像可以重新播出的磁带,是可数名词。
    tape的基本意思是“用带子把某物捆绑起来”,也可作“用录音机把声音录下来”解。 tape既可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,可接名词或代词作宾语。