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2024-02-13 18:34:17
美[teɪpskrɪpt]  英[teɪpskrɪpt]
n.  磁带录音稿


  1. If you cant understand the tapescript of what you are listening, you actually are wasting your time in it. 首先纠正下你的 单词基本过关 定义---不能迅速反应出是什么意思本身已经说明单词基本没有过关。
  2. This book is the first volume which includes 10 sets of simulation tests, free accompanying CD, tapescript and answer keys. 全书包括全真模拟自测、听力理解分项练习、语法结构分项练习、阅读理解分项练习、综合填空分项练习共5册。
  3. What is Aunt Sarah doing?She is cooking.Group work: Read the tapescript aloud.Pairwork:Talk about the people in the tapescript. 活动目的:适当的整合了书本内容,层层深入,情景逼真,让学生在聊天中进行语言交流。
  4. Step 4 .First, let students listen and finish the listening task. Second, ask a student to make a report to check their answers. Finally, listen again and repeat the tapescript. 教学思路:做听力的训练,不仅培养了听的能力而且让新的语言点在听力材料中再现,从而加以巩固,实质上是变换语言输入的形式。