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2024-02-13 18:46:16
美[teɪpər]  英[teɪpə(r)]
n.  [动] 貘(生活在中南美洲和东南亚的长鼻猪状动物)


  1. large inoffensive chiefly nocturnal ungulate of tropical America and southeast Asia having a heavy body and fleshy snout


  1. Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol. 特怀克罗斯在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。
  2. Tiny Tapir Eco-Shop open by appointment. 经营时间: 星期一到星期六: 2pm-6pm;
  3. Franch tapir Rural Village Government in Franch tapir. 獐獏乡乡政府驻獐獏村。
  4. Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol, and he and Debbie are joyfully united. 特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。
  5. Twycross found a male tapir in Bristol,and he and Debbie are joyfully united. 特怀克罗斯动物园在布里斯托找到了一只公貘。现在,他已经和黛比快乐地结合了。
  6. In the traditional genesis legend in Thailand, the Malayan tapir was made of redundant clay to explain its body shape both round and full. 有着圆鼓鼓丰满身材的貘,在泰国的传说中认为天神在创造动物时,搓圆了多余的黏土,而形成了这种动物。