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2024-02-13 18:51:16
美[tæpɪt]  英[tæpɪt]
n.  [机械]梃杆;推杆;凸轮随动件


  1. a lever that is moved in order to tap something else


  1. Lift the ram and position the tappet (with the ball bearing) inside the tester cup. 举起压头,在测试杯中定位挺杆(带滚珠轴承)。
  2. The tappet hole of D6114 diesel engine block is machined difficultly and has high design requirement on accuracy. D6114柴油机机体挺柱孔加工难道大、加工精度要求高。
  3. Patent on tool pot to reduce dust for 80% amount which is attached on tool tappet and also improve processing accuracy. 专利置刀刀套,大量减少80%25异物附著刀具锥柄上,提高加工精度。
  4. The factory is Tappet car engine and hydraulic piston pin the specialized production enterprises. 本厂是汽车发动机液压挺杆和活塞销的专业化生产企业。
  5. Tappet clearances of inlet and exhaust valves to be measured and adjusted while the engine being warmed up. 进、排气阀在热机下测量并调整间隙。
  6. Description: Zhejiang Pingchai Pumps Industry Co.,Ltd ---- Oil pump,tappet valve guide,push rod. ------机油泵、气门挺杆、气门推杆、气门导管。