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2024-02-13 19:21:17
美[ter]  英[teə(r)]
n.  野碗豆;莠草
vt.  (复数)tares: 不良成分.
sp.  量皮重
  过去式:tared  过去分词:tared  现在分词:taring  第三人称单数:tares


  1. an adjustment made for the weight of the packaging in order to determine the net weight of the goods
  2. any of several weedy vetches grown for forage
  3. weedy annual grass often occurs in grainfields and other cultivated land; seeds sometimes considered poisonous
  4. the weight of a motor vehicle, railroad car, or aircraft without its fuel or cargo
  5. (chemical analysis) a counterweight used in chemical analysis; consists of an empty container that counterbalances the weight of the container holding chemicals


  1. The facts s tare us in the face. 事实明摆在我们面前。
  2. Please tell me the cargo the tare and the size? 请告诉我货物的包装重量和尺寸?
  3. Net Weight: the gross weight less tare. 净重:总重扣除皮重后的重量。
  4. Agile is a kindly person and tare care of us. 秋天来了,天气凉了!各位邻居要注意身体啊!
  5. Tare: the weight of cottons packaging materials. 皮重:棉花包装材料的重量。
  6. We tare at it and run towards it even as we wander about crying. 即使是在彷徨哭泣,也要瞄准目标、奋力前进。