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2024-02-13 19:22:16
美[tɑːdʒ]  英[tɑːdʒ]
n.  圆盾


  1. <古>圆盾
  2. 轻便盾牌
  3. 塔奇(音译名)
  4. 塔尔热(音译名)
  1. 训斥,责难


  1. You need to segment the market to identify the targe taudience. 你需要细分市场去识别你的目标受众。
  2. By 2-D condensed index,hit the targe t rate of star identification is improved. 对星三角形进行二维精简索引,以提高检索效率、节约比对时间;
  3. I was giving a talk to a targe group of people,the same talk I had given to half a dozen other groups. 我当时正在同一大群人谈话;在此之前我曾与其它六个小组进行过同样的谈话.
  4. For targe eccentricity, fluid cavitation and recess position determine large changes in the bearingdynamic Performance. 而在大偏心率下,由于流体膜穴和油腔位置的影响,轴承动特性有较大变化。
  5. The calculative formulas of the deviant angle for the TDI-CCD camera and the velocity of the targe... 导出了星下点、方位偏移和俯仰偏移成像时相机偏流角,以及目标像移速度的解析计算公式,并对偏流角补偿进行了讨论。
  6. Glyph of Crusader Strike - Your Crusader strike deals 20% more damage when your targe is incapacitated or stunned. 十字军打击雕文-你的十字军打击对瘫痪或者昏迷的目标造成20%25额外伤害.