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2024-02-13 19:24:16
美[tɑːrɡɪt]  英[tɑːɡɪt]
n.  目标;对象;靶
vt.  把 ... 作为目标;瞄准
  过去式:targeted  过去分词:targeted  现在分词:targeting  第三人称单数:targets


  1. 目标
  2. 对象
  3. 靶子
  4. 指标
  5. 小圆盾
  6. 标的
  7. 攻击的目标
  8. 笑柄
  9. 定额
  10. 小羊的颈胸肉
  11. 【物】对阴极
  12. 【测】标杆
  13. 标板
  14. 【铁路】圆板信号机
  15. 眼中钉
  16. 目的层
  17. 目的地
  18. 理想
  19. 最终
  20. 美国塔吉特百货公司
  1. 挑出
  2. 对阴极X射线管中的靶子
  3. 发信号
  4. 把…作为目标
  5. 规定…的指标
  6. 把…对准
  7. 规定…的指标
  8. 瞄准某物
  9. 把…作为批评的对象
  10. 面向
  11. 为…订指标
  12. 订定
  13. 瞄准


  1. [C](射击的)靶子 sth fired at in shooting practice
  2. [C](欲达到的)目〔指〕标 result aimed at; objective
  3. [C](服务的)对象; (攻击的)对象 a limited group, area, etc. at which sth is specially directed; place, sth or person at which an attack is directed


  1. a reference point to shoot at;

    "his arrow hit the mark"

  2. a person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence;

    "he fell prey to muggers" "everyone was fair game" "the target of a manhunt"

  3. the location of the target that is to be hit
  4. sports equipment consisting of an object set up for a marksman or archer to aim at
  5. the goal intended to be attained (and which is believed to be attainable);

    "the sole object of her trip was to see her children"

  1. intend (something) to move towards a certain goal;

    "He aimed his fists towards his opponents face" "criticism directed at her superior" "direct your anger towards others, not towards yourself"


  1. achieve ones target达到目标
  2. aim at〔track〕 a target瞄标〔追踪〕目标
  3. fire at the target对着靶子射击
  4. hit〔set〕 the target完成〔定〕指标
  5. miss the target未击中靶子
  6. shoot at a target射击目标
  1. admirable〔superb〕 target令人羡慕〔宏伟〕的目标
  2. civilian〔military〕 target民用〔军事〕目标
  3. momentary〔movable〕 target暂时〔不固定〕的指标
  1. oil production target产油指标
  1. target date预定日期
  2. target language目标语言
  3. target practice打靶练习
  1. use sth as a target把…当作靶子
  2. off〔on〕 target不切〔切〕题
  1. target for an attack众矢之的
  2. target for coal production产煤指标
  3. target of criticism批评的对象


  1. The sights of the gun must be in alignment with the target.枪的瞄准器必须与射击目标对准成一线。
  2. The shot was way off target.这次射得远离目标。
  3. A stationary target is easiest to aim at.静止的目标是最容易瞄准的。
  4. The company has met their export target.该公司已经实现了它们的出口目标。
  5. Before you apply for the supply of information, please make sure that you know the business registration number of all your target businesses.在作出申请前,你必须知悉所有查询对象的商业登记号码。
  6. I aimed at the target but hit the wall.我瞄准了靶射击,但却打在了墙上。
  1. In the future, the Group will target its marketing and promotional activities to reach the mass of customers through cost effective means.展望未来,集团将在具成本效益的情况下,以市场推广及宣传活动为目标,把九方推广至广大消费者。
  2. The two sides had decided not to target each other with the strategic nuclear weapons under their respective control.双方决定,不把各自控制下的战略核武器瞄准对方。