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2024-02-13 19:56:16
美[tɑːrsl]  英[tɑːsl]
adj.  跗骨的;眼脸软骨的
n.  跗骨


  1. any bone of the tarsus
  1. of or relating to or near the tarsus of the foot;

    "tarsal bones"


  1. A cut of meat centering on the carpal or tarsal joint,as of a pig. 肘子以腕关节或肘关节为中心切下来的肉,比如说猪肉
  2. A cut of meat centering on the carpal or tarsal joint, as of a pig. 肘子以腕关节或肘关节为中心切下来的肉,比如说猪肉
  3. ObjectiveTo study the clinical X-ray diagnosis of tarsal coalition. 目的探讨跗骨桥的临床X线诊断。
  4. A tarsal bone on the outer side of the foot in front of the calcaneus and behind the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. 骰骨一块脚外侧的跗骨,位于跟骨之前、第四和第五跖骨之后
  5. It permits excision of the entire talus, and the only tarsal joints that it cannot reach are those between the navicular and the second and first cuneiforms. 通过该切口可将整个距骨切除,该切口唯一不能显露的关节是舟状骨与第一、二楔骨之间的关节。
  6. The tarsal joints, ankle joint line, and subtalar joints, should all be palpated for tenderness. 跗关节、踝关节线和距下关节都应进行触诊以检查是否有痛感。