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2024-02-13 20:31:17
美  英
n.  塔斯社


  1. TASS is not totally effective for hypovascular HCC. TASS对少血管HCC疗效不是很好。
  2. In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states,Mana and tass. 在下界的原初物质有两种已知形态:玛娜与塔斯。
  3. Prime: The Arcanum that governs Hallows, illusions, magical imbuement, Mana, resonance and tass. 原质:主宰圣地、幻象、附魔、玛那、共鸣和塔斯的奥秘。
  4. Agency - Tass, Moscow 2001. 8. 31) Germany for Russias World War II prisoners of labor and to pay compensation. {俄通社-塔斯社,莫斯科2001。8。31日电}德国为俄国二战劳工和囚犯付赔。
  5. A form of the prima materia (Prime), tass is likened to the “earth” or “solid” state of that substance. 原初物质的一种形式,塔斯被比喻成魔法物质的“土”或“固体”形态。
  6. Once the ideal reduction was obtained, we placed bilateral TASs in prone position (Figure 2). 一旦获得理想的复位,我们在俯卧位放置TAS螺钉(图2)。