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2024-02-13 20:36:16
美  英
n.  塔西


  1. The shape, the clip, the band, and the tassie on the top all appear to be correct. 形状、笔夹、箍条、上头的饰带统统看来都没问题。
  2. However, the publicity surrounding the arrival of Shipstern Bluff on the world surfing stage has blown Tassie’s cover. 然而,随着登上了世界冲浪舞台的“船尾极限冲浪”比赛的到来,其带来的公众知名度已经吹开了塔斯马尼亚的面纱。
  3. However, the publicity surrounding the arrival of Shipstern Bluff on the world surfing stage has blown Tassies cover. 然而,关于船尾极限冲浪赛的到来在世界冲浪舞台上的知名度已经揭开了塔斯岛的帷幕。
  4. The forbidding landscape of Tasmania, or “Tassie,” as locals call it, was the site of numerous British penal colonies, beginning in the early 1800s. 当地人称塔斯马尼亚岛为塔斯,这里有着令人生畏的景观,曾在十九世纪初期被大不列颠作为流放犯人的地方。
  5. Tassi 塔西