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2024-02-13 21:01:16
美[tætlteɪl]  英[tætlteɪl]
n.  告密者
sp.  =telltale.


  1. someone who gossips indiscreetly


  1. Pa, you know Im no tattletale like Suellen. 你知道我不是个爱搬弄是非的人.
  2. The rest of the class gave the tattletale the silent treatment. 班里的其它人都不理睬那个告密者
  3. "No, Pa, Im no tattletale like Suellen," she assured her father. “不会的,爸,我不会像苏纶那样专做耳报神。”她说这话,是要使父亲好放心。
  4. Pa, you know I`m no tattletale like Suellen, but it does seem to me... 老爸;你知我不会像苏安琳那样爱说是非;但是并不意味着我...
  5. Not i am a bad guy and like to be a tattletale... no ,absolutely not. 有些东西不是你不会,都学了三四年了,还不如我做几个月的。
  6. No, pa, Im no tattletale like Suellen,’she assured him, standing off to view his rearranged attire with a judicious air. “不,爸爸,我不像苏伦那样爱嚼舌头”,她让他放下心来,站开一点,带着有见识的神色端详他重新整理过的服装。