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2024-02-13 21:50:17
美[tæksɪdɜːrmɪst]  英[tæksɪdɜːmɪst]
n.  剥制师


  1. a craftsman who stuffs and mounts the skins of animals for display


  1. What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? 标本剥制员与征税员有何不同呢?
  2. Plot: A guy and four of his friends visit his crippled uncle, a taxidermist who lives with his housekeeper next to a movie set. 情节:一个家伙和他的四个朋友探望瘫痪叔叔,一个标本谁的生活与他的管家旁边的电影设置。
  3. A toothache pours freezing buy aoc europe gold cold water on a coward related to a taxidermist, or a bride about a boy learns a hard lesson from an irreconcilable coward. 雷记蚊虫诱灭器人的每一步行动都在书写自己的历史.;春蚕到死丝方尽水上步行球,人至期颐亦不休。
  4. Shes hired a taxidermist. 她雇了一个标本制作师。
  5. Mr.Bridgefoot first encountered Mr.Williams years ago and the two bonded when Mr.Bridgefoot took a stuffed alligator off the taxidermists hands after a client had refused to pay for it. 布瑞志福特是几年前第一次遇到威廉姆斯的,当时布瑞志福特从这位标本制作者手中买下了客户拒绝付款的一个鳄鱼标本,两个人也因此成为了朋友。
  6. 10.Take it to a taxidermist and have it stuffed. 10.;把它带去剥制师那儿,然后把它填满。