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2024-02-13 22:16:17
美[tæz]  英[tæz]
n.  <口>小胡子


  1. Lets see what Taz does all day......... 让我们看看塔兹整天在干什么.........
  2. MO TAZ; Her Majesty, Queen Clarisse. 我们的陛下,皇后克拉利瑟。
  3. The larger the coefficient of friction is, the larger TAZ becomes. 摩擦系数越大,热影响区越大。
  4. Youll need to help Taz dance his way across 5 continents by smashing skyrockets over his head! 您需要帮助泰士在跨越5大洲舞蹈途中,使尽量多的流星火焰猛烈落他的头上哦!
  5. We want to buy pluche or stuffed toys, future rage or Winnie De Pooh, Taz, Mickey Mouse. 求购玩具材料,请提供相关的详细资料及报价。
  6. The wheel load has a significant effect on the amplitude of the maximum surface temperature and the size of TAZ. 轮重不仅影响钢轨表面最高摩擦温升,而且影响热影响区域的大小;