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2024-02-13 22:56:16
美  英
n.  爱尔兰人


  1. Alan Brooker and Loren Teague are au-thors who have a book due out soon. 艾伦?布鲁克和洛伦?蒂格两位作家合写的一本书不久即将问世。
  2. Atlanta grabbed still another playmaker, Wake Forests Jeff Teague, at No. 19. 亚特兰大鹰队在第19顺位选中了一个进攻组织者,维克森林大学的杰夫替阁。
  3. Instead, Brooker will get 35 per cent of each e-book sold, and Teague will get 30 per cent. 不过,布鲁克将从出售的每本电子书中得到35%25的收入,蒂格将得到30%25。
  4. "When I told her about them (e-books), she just looked at me blankly, says Teague, laughing. “我告诉她有关电子图书的事情时,她只是茫然地看着我,”蒂格大笑着说。
  5. Teague still meets responses such as that of the librarian in her home town of Nelson. 蒂格还遇到这样一些反应,正如她在家乡纳尔逊的图书馆员那里得到的反应。
  6. Mark Teagues laugh-aloud illustrations, along with Jane Yolens playful text, will show children that "playing nice" can be easy and fun. 一段段经典的智者对话,参透了他们各自的人生历练,充满了他们对生活的热爱和感悟,散发着他们对生命的思考和认知。