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2024-02-13 23:45:16
美[teknɪkʌləd]  英[teknɪkʌləd]
adj.  彩色的(色彩鲜艳的)


  1. Technicolor, simple design, relaxed and enjoyable. 鲜明的色彩,简单的设计,轻松写意。
  2. He writes in glorious technicolor to give you the full effect. 他以五光十色绚丽夺目的文章给你完全的效果。
  3. Is Ed still with Technicolor? Did he ever get started on that history of the movies he was going to write? 埃德现仍在研究彩色印刷术吗?他没有开始写他酝酿已久的电影发展史?
  4. Technicolor Cheek was based on UF Grants trick Cheek to Cheek. 彩色印片面颊根据UF格兰特的把戏面颊对面颊。
  5. When grunge hit, my world went form black and white to Technicolor. 我充满感激。
  6. Now I was seeing the world anew in sharp, lush, top-quality Technicolor! 最可怕的事情是,我眼前的一切开始变化。