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2024-02-14 00:12:16
美[tektədʒenəsɪs]  英[tektədʒenəsɪs]
n.  构造运动


  1. The nonhomogeneity of diagenesis and tectogenesis make the characteristic of physical property different obviously. 成岩及构造作用的不均性使得储层物性特征差异悬殊。
  2. They have undergone multiple tectogenesis and fixed in the Yanshan movement at the end of Jurassic period. 它们经历多次构造运动形成,但主要定型于侏罗纪末的燕山运动。
  3. It has shown that they can be used neither for appreciation of equilibrium state of the earth, nor for the explanation of tectogenesis. 业已证明,这些模型既不能用以正确评估地球的平衡状态,也不能用以解释构造成因。
  4. The most of oil and gas are injected in Caledonian and early Hercynian.In Himalayan tectogenesis oil accumulates before hydrocarbon splits. 加里东期-海西早期为主要油气充注期,喜山期属于早期油藏晚期裂解。
  5. Overall, the frequently fluctuated lacustrine conditions and the surrounding tectogenesis are mainly responsible for the greatly varied form, different genesis of stromatolites. 柴达木盆地频繁变化的湖相水体条件和周围的构造运动是叠层石形态多样,成因各异的主要外部和环境因素。
  6. By our study of relationship between major oil-generation period and tectogenesis which influnced the oil and gas secondary migration in west slope of DongPu Depression . 通过对东濮凹陷西部斜坡带主要生油期及影响油气二次运移的构造运动的描述,详细探讨了西部斜坡带油气运移的方向及运移机理,为东濮凹陷西部斜坡带下一步滚动勘探指明了方向。