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2024-02-14 01:19:17
美[telˌændʒɪˌekteɪʒə]  英[telˌændʒɪˌekteɪʒə]
n.  毛细血管扩张
  形容词:telangiectatic  异体字:telangiectasis


  1. Mutation of ENG gene can cause type 1 hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia(HHT1). 由ENG基因突变所引起的HHT称为HHT1。
  2. Conclusion Endoscopic heat probe is an effective method in colon telangiectasia. 结论内镜下热极治疗结肠毛细血管扩张症是一种微创有效安全的方法。
  3. Metasilicate acid can improve telangiectasia, decrease incidence of cardiovascular and avoid skin diseases, gynecopathy &diabetes. 偏硅酸:能改善血管扩张,降低心血管发病率,可防治皮肤病、妇科病、糖尿病。
  4. We believe that the use BNC and assisted laser procedure, if a single laser will be a high risk of complications, such as skin thinning telangiectasia. 我们认为,用BNC和辅助用激光程序,如果单一用激光将有很高的并发症的风险,如表皮变薄毛细血管扩张。
  5. Objective To localize the pathogenic gene of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) in a Chinese family of Han Nationality. 目的定位一个中国汉族遗传性出血性毛细血管扩张症家系的致病基因。
  6. It is usually present at birth, and is characterized by persistent fixed, flat, blue-violet cutaneous marmorata, telangiectasia, and phiebectasia. 此皮肤病兆大多于出生时即可见,主要是为蓝色到深红色大理石样的网状斑纹,并常伴有皮肤溃烂或萎缩的现象。