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2024-02-14 01:20:16
美[telændʒɪektəsɪs]  英[telændʒɪektəsɪs]
n.  [医]毛细管扩张


  1. Dispel facial red blood silk (telangiectasis) and flush. 祛除面部红血丝(毛细血管扩张)面部潮红。
  2. Method Retrospective study and analysis of DSA presentations of cerebral extensive telangiectasis in 1 case. 方法:回顾分析一例颅内(广泛)毛细血管扩张症的DSA表现。
  3. The patient presented with ivory white scars, telangiectasis, hyperpigmentation and ulcerations on the both lower legs. 双小腿出现许多象牙白色萎缩性瘢痕,伴毛细血管扩张、色素沉着、溃疡。
  4. Conclusion: Selective mesenteric angiography is the best diagnostic method of small intestinal telangiectasis. 结论: 选择性肠系膜血管造影是诊断本病的最佳方法。
  5. Objective To investigate the diagnosis and treatment of intestinal telangiectasis. 目的探讨小肠毛细血管扩张症的诊治。
  6. Treatment of Face Pigment Patch and Telangiectasis with Domestic Photorejuvenation Device:A Clinical Observation[J]. 引用该论文 杨保华;杜宇;陈德宇;许飏;胡丹;殷宏杰.