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2024-02-14 01:45:16
美[telɪkənvɜːtə(r)]  英[telɪkənvɜːtə(r)]
n.  [摄]望远倍率镜


  1. Minolta AF 80-200/2.8 HS-APO G cannot use minolta teleconverter. 用尽旧镜微距能力,专人指导使用微距滤镜,拍尽微距世界!
  2. Improved the focusing accuracy when using the EC-20 Teleconverter. 改进了对焦准确时,用欧共体20个镜头。
  3. Palmer made this digital photo with a 500mm lens and a 1.4x teleconverter. 帕默用500毫米镜头和1.;4倍的望远倍率镜拍摄的这张照片。
  4. Dunlop photographed this belted kingfisher near his home. The real estate appraiser used a 600mm lens and 1.4x teleconverter. 邓洛普,房地产评估师,用600毫米镜头和1.;4倍望远倍率镜拍摄了这只白颈蓝翠鸟。
  5. This is the only zoom lens that is recommended in combination with the Olympus 2xA teleconverter, which transforms it into a 200-400mm/F10 super tele zoom lens. "最后一句说这是唯一推荐的和O记2倍镜配合使用的变焦镜头"。这里并未对其成像素质和定焦镜头做比较,我的理解是有一定差距。
  6. macro teleconverter 增距式微距附加镜(使标准镜头变成微距而保留最近封焦距离)