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2024-02-14 02:31:17
美[telɪmɪtrɪk]  英[telɪmɪtrɪk]
adj.  遥感勘测的


  1. Then, the earths telemetric body will span the reaches of the solar system. 到了那个时候,地球的遥测体将遍布整个太阳系。
  2. Electro-magnetic tracking system for capsule-typed telemetric device[J]. 引用该论文 姜萍萍;颜国正;郭旭东;赵润.
  3. Application of ARAM-ARIES wired telemetric seismic instrument in Jiangsu oilfield. ARAM-ARIES有线遥测仪在江苏油田的应用
  4. The coding method mentioned in the paper has been adopted in OSB-1 Offshore Telemetric Data Buoy Net for 3 years. 本文介绍了笔者在OSB-1近海遥测浮标网中采用的三维监督码纠错方法。
  5. A real-time synchro-division set is provided, that can receive high speed telemetric baseband signals from spacecraft. 提供一种用于接收空间飞行器高速遥测基带信号的实时同步分路装置。