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2024-02-14 02:50:16
美[ˌtelɪpæθɪkli]  英[ˌtelɪpæθɪkli]
adv.  传心术地
sp.  心灵感应地.


  1. Like the Dolphins, we communicated telepathically. 象海豚一样,我们用心灵感应进行交流。
  2. They would speak to me telepathically. 它们常常通过心灵感应与我进行交流。
  3. He looked as he had showed himself to me telepathically. 他看起来用心灵感应术将他自己展示给我看。
  4. "It uses alpha waves to telepathically talk to me," he explains. “它能用阿尔法射线通过心灵感应来和我交流。”他解释道。
  5. Soon only Julia, my wife, and I were left at the table, and telepathically. 很快就剩了朱莉娅,我妻子和我还在餐桌旁,好像是心灵感应似地。
  6. A lot of this information was received telepathically by specific Wise Ones. 很多信息是由智者通过心灵感应接收。