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2024-02-14 03:28:16
美[teləˌsaɪzm]  英[telɪsaɪzəm]
n.  远地震


  1. Tele Atlas has its own projects underway. 远程图集都有自己的项目正在进行中。
  2. Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele. Mobil;ConnectAustria和Tele.
  3. Ill stay in to wait for his tele phone call. 我将留在家中等他的电话。
  4. Please sent me the bill list of the long-distance tele fee. 请把长途电话费的帐单寄给我。
  5. Then, went to get the tele phone, to call the florist shop. 然后,拨通了花店的电话。
  6. One lens is a wide zoom, and the other is a tele zoom. 一只镜头是广角变焦,另外一只是长角变焦。