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2024-02-14 03:40:17
美[ˌtelɪθerəpɪ]  英[ˌtelɪθerəpɪ]
n.  [医]远距放射疗法


  1. four fields box of types in teletherapy 四野盒式照射
  2. radioisotope teletherapy equipment 放射性同位素照射治疗机
  3. Isodose computation for teletherapy 远距离放射治疗等剂量计算
  4. Performance Measurement of ~(60)Co Teletherapy Source in Equipment at the Users 钴-60远距离治疗源装机后特性测量
  5. To Seek an Effective Treatment for Patients with Tongue Cancer Who Received Teletherapy and Brachytherapy 舌癌体外结合组织间插植放疗的探讨
  6. teletherapy isotope 深部治疗用同位素源