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2024-02-14 04:50:17
美[temˌpeɪ]  英[tempə]
n.  [食]天贝(天然发酵大豆制品)


  1. It takes about three days to produce tempeh. 本产品为发酵食品、一般需3个工作天来制作。接受订制。
  2. Commercial soy products included tempeh, miso and yogurt. 同时有调查显示,对大豆过敏的人数在不断增加。
  3. Another popular product is tempeh, a soybean mash fermented by Rhizopus. 另一种产品是天培,一种用根霉发酵成的豆酱。
  4. Look for natural sources of soy, like edamame, tempeh, or organic silken tofu. 最好是使用天然的大豆,比如毛豆、印尼豆豉、或者有机嫩豆腐。
  5. But wait!Organic and non-GMO tempeh, made from fermented soy beans and rice, is high in fiber and protein. 别急,有机和非转基因豆豉,由大豆和大米发酵而成,是一种高纤维和高蛋白质食物。
  6. Vegetarians will recognize tempeh, a fermented soybean cake that is often used in place of meat. 素食者们以后将会认可豆豉,这是一种经常用来代替肉类的发酵豆粕。