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2024-02-14 05:15:17
美[tempərəl]  英[tempərəl]
adj.  现世的;暂时的;当时的;太阳穴的;颞的


  1. the semantic role of the noun phrase that designates the time of the state or action denoted by the verb
  1. not eternal;

    "temporal matters of but fleeting moment"

  2. of or relating to or limited by time;

    "temporal processing" "temporal dimensions" "temporal and spacial boundaries" "music is a temporal art"

  3. of or relating to the temples (the sides of the skull behind the orbit);

    "temporal bone"

  4. characteristic of or devoted to the temporal world as opposed to the spiritual world;

    "worldly goods and advancement" "temporal possessions of the church"

  5. of this earth or world;

    "temporal joys" "our temporal existence"


  1. He cares for nothing but temporal affairs.他只关心世俗之事。
  2. The Pope has no temporal power in modern society.教皇在当代社会没有世俗方面的权利。
  3. Temporal isolation appears to be possible.暂时隔离是可行的。
  4. Place your sword upon the ground, and rest in the temporal peace.放下你的剑吧,静享这暂时的和平。
  5. I cant describe my temporal feelings in word.我无法用语言来描述我当时的感受。