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2024-02-14 05:25:16
美[tempt]  英[tempt]
vt.  诱惑;怂恿;引诱;吸引
  形容词:temptable  名词:tempter  过去式:tempted  过去分词:tempted  现在分词:tempting  第三人称单数:tempts


  1. 怂恿,教唆,鼓动,引诱,诱惑,劝诱,利诱,诱导 (某人干不正当的事)
  2. 冒...的风险,不顾
  3. 试探,尝试,试验
  4. 吸引(住),打动,使很想要,使发生兴趣
  5. 蔑视
  6. 激怒
  7. 挑逗,勾引
  8. 动心
  9. 引起
  10. 考验
  11. 触犯


  1. vt. 吸引 arouse a desire in sb; attract sb
  2. vt. 劝诱 try to persuade (sb) to do sth wrong or foolish


  1. dispose or incline or entice to;

    "We were tempted by the delicious-looking food"

  2. provoke someone to do something through (often false or exaggerated) promises or persuasion;

    "He lured me into temptation"

  3. give rise to a desire by being attractive or inviting;

    "the window displays tempted the shoppers"

  4. induce into action by using ones charm;

    "She charmed him into giving her all his money"

  5. try to seduce
  6. try presumptuously;

    "St. Anthony was tempted in the desert"


  1. tempt fiendishly〔greatly〕非常引诱
  2. tempt insidiously阴险地引诱
  3. tempt lewdly淫荡地引诱
  4. tempt strongly强烈地诱惑
  5. tempt unduly过分诱人
  6. tempt unwittingly不经意地引诱
  7. tempt viciously居心不良地引诱
  8. tempt away诱走,拐走
  9. tempt away a boy诱走男孩
  10. tempt off引导…离开
  11. tempt out引出
  1. tempt sb from ones duty诱人玩忽职守
  2. tempt into诱使…
  3. tempt ones friend into business诱使朋友经商
  4. tempt sb into staying劝诱某人留下
  5. tempt sb off the straight path把某人引入歧途
  6. tempt sb to such a course of action诱使某人那样做


  1. The warm weather tempted us into going for a swim.暖和的天气诱使我们去游泳。
  2. I ought not to have let you tempt me into asking you a rude question.我本来就不应该让你怂恿我跟你提出一个无礼的问题。
  3. Those advertisements try to tempt people into buying their products.那些广告试图怂恿大家去购买其产品。
  4. He was tempted into making a false step.他被引诱做了一件傻事。
  5. He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。
  6. How can we tempt young people into engineering?我们怎么才能吸引年轻人学习工程学呢?
  7. Nothing would tempt me to live here.什么也吸引不了我到这里居住。


    tempt的基本意思是“劝说或鼓动某人去做某事”,常指以某种诱惑使人不顾理智而行事以致犯罪,即“引诱”“怂恿”。也可不加褒贬地指“吸引”。 tempt是及物动词,接名词、代词作宾语。还可接动词不定式充当补足语的复合宾语。 tempt的过去分词tempted可用作形容词,在句中作表语,意为“很想”。