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2024-02-14 05:47:17
美[tendəns]  英[tendəns]
n.  <古> 侍从; 随从


  1. Thank you for your tendance for all the time. 感谢您一直以来的关照。
  2. Thank for your tendance all the time. 感谢您一直以来的关照。
  3. Thank you for your so long tendance. 感谢您一直以来的关照。
  4. Thanks for your tendance all along. 感谢您一直以来的关照。
  5. Recently ,there is a tendance of arise of the price. 最近;物价有上涨的趋势.
  6. Nowadays, community tendance pattern is gradually becoming the leading one. 摘要在全球老龄化背景下,社区照顾逐渐成为了一种主流的养老模式。