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2024-02-14 05:56:17
美[ˌtendəhɑːtɪd]  英[ˌtendəhɑːtɪd]
adj.  心地温和的;温厚的
  副词:tenderheartedly  名词:tenderheartedness


  1. easily moved to love
  2. easily moved by anothers distress;

    "a noble tenderhearted creature who sympathizes with all the human race"


  1. She was a tenderhearted creature, who sympathized with everyone. 她是一个软心肠的人,对任何人都同情。
  2. Be tough minded but tenderhearted. 做个意志坚强心地善良的人.
  3. Its part of her kind and tenderhearted nature. 但是她对谁都是那样子,她天生是心地温柔亲切的。
  4. Be tough-mindedbut tenderhearted. 意志要刚强,但心地要善良。
  5. Im very happy to meet you,and i think im a romantic and tenderhearted man. 喜欢小资情调,认为人生最重要的是质量,重情守信太重要了。
  6. Eleanor was easy on her sons, but he was so tenderhearted with them that he wouldnt discipline them at all. 埃莉诺对自己的儿子管教不严,而他对他们又心肠很软,一点也不愿处罚他们。