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2024-02-14 06:06:16
美[tiːn]  英[tiːn]
n.  悲哀;不幸;愤怒
vt.  激怒;使烦恼
vi.  烦躁;伤心


  1. There is a direct relationship between saturate and NSO + asphal tene with production. 原油碱性氮、有机酸等非烃类化合物随开采时间的推移也呈降低的趋势。
  2. Th e results showed that the contents of protein, vitamin C, vitamin B1, total caro tene and some mineral elements in the wild vegetables were higher than those in the cultivated vegetables. 以常规方法对华北冀东地区常见的可食用野菜(蒲公英、扫帚苗、马齿苋、荠菜、苦荬菜、山菜、反枝苋)和蔬菜(茴香、芹菜、甘蓝、小白菜、香菜、油菜、莴苣菜)的某些营养成分进行了测定和比较分析。
  3. "REM tene;verba sequentur 。 "(掌握主题, 词将随后而来。
  4. Loriculus tene 绿额短尾鹦鹉