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2024-02-14 06:32:17
美  英
sp.  塔纳河[北欧]


  1. A che ora parte il teno per Milano? 开往米兰的火车几点钟出发。
  2. Howeer, as Teno later found out, this was 10 hours before the patient actually died, and the nurses told her that Oscar came back to sit with the dying patient 2 hours before she finally passed away. 然而,Teno随后才知道,这时是离病人准确去世前10小时。护士告诉她说,在病人去世前2小时,Oscar返回了房间陪坐在病人身边。
  3. Speculating on the accuracy of Oscars predictions, Teno said she wondered if he smells something, or he notices subtle changes in the behaiour of the nurses while they attend the patients. 在推测奥斯卡预测的准确性时,Teno怀疑是否它闻到了什么气味,或它注意到了护理病人的护士行为的细微变化。
  4. penetrated mortise and teno 透榫
  5. teno(nto)- 腱