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2024-02-14 06:35:16
美[tenər]  英[tenə(r)]
n.  [语]本体
adj.  (乐器)次中音的;(组钟中的)最低音的;男高音的


  1. the adult male singing voice above baritone
  2. the pitch range of the highest male voice
  3. an adult male with a tenor voice
  4. a settled or prevailing or habitual course of a persons life;

    "nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways"

  5. the general meaning or substance of an utterance;

    "although I disagreed with him I could follow the tenor of his argument"

  1. (of a musical instrument) intermediate between alto and baritone or bass;

    "a tenor sax"

  2. of or close in range to the highest natural adult male voice;

    "tenor voice"


  1. I forget the tenor of her reply.我不记得她回答的大意了。
  2. I understood the tenor of their conversation but not the details.我听懂了他们谈话的大意,但没有听懂其中的细节。
  3. I am not competent to catch on the tenor what the lecturer spoke.我不能明白该讲师所讲的要旨。
  4. His appearance disrupted the even tenor of her life.他的出现打乱她的生活规律。
  5. The tenor disappointed us by singing flat.那位男高音歌手调门儿唱得很低,十分扫兴。
  1. The tenor soloist is unable to appear tonight because of illness.男高音独唱者因病今晚不能演出。