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2024-02-14 06:47:17
美[tensegrɪtɪ]  英[tensegrɪtɪ]
n.  [建]无一定尺寸限制的结构(性质)


  1. The conception of the tensegrity was proposed by Fuller, a famous American architect. 张拉整体的概念是由美国著名建筑师富勒提出的。
  2. It is one of the methods to form Tensegrity structures by using self equilibrated stress unit structures. 利用应力自平衡的单元结构拼接成张拉整体结构,是构成张拉整体结构的一种方法。
  3. The word tensegrity is a contraction of tensile and integrity, firstly conceived by Fuller. Tensegrity一词是tensile和integrity两词的缩写,首先由美国人Fuller提出。
  4. Tensegrity structure is a new type of structure consisting of a continuous set of cables and a discrete set of struts. 摘要张拉整体结构是一种由连续拉索和断续压杆构成的新型结构。
  5. In the light of stiffness characteritics of tensegrity structures, the convergency of iterative computation is solved. 结果结合张拉整体结构的刚度特点,解决了程序迭代计算的收敛性问题。
  6. Secondly, development history, basic concept and characteristics of tensegrity are described clearly. 其次,对张拉整体结构的发展历史和基本概念及其特点进行了详述。