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2024-02-14 06:51:16
美[tensəbɪlɪtɪ]  英[tensəbɪlɪtɪ]
n.  伸长性


  1. Water was replaced by the unsaturated polymer in this experiment in order to raise coherence and tensibility in compound material. 本实验主要是以不饱和聚酯树脂取代水泥砂浆中的水,增加材料的黏结性及抗张性;
  2. Glass fiber is used to reinforce material for increasing toughness, flexural strength, and tensibility in unsaturated polymer modified concrete. 玻璃纤维则是作为强化材,以增加水泥浆体的韧性及抗弯、抗拉等机械性质。
  3. It have a big tensibility and a large range of rigidity, also it have excenllent endurement of grind, biology compatibility and blood compatibility. 它的伸长率大,硬度范围宽广:它的耐磨性、生物相容性与血液相容性特别突出。
  4. Damages first came out from some weak zones of H profiled bar joints such as weld seams and bolt joints, because rigid joints did not show enough tensibility under cyclic load. 试验过程中,刚性节点在循环荷载作用下没有表现足够的延性,H型钢连接件的焊缝及螺栓连接等薄弱区首先破坏;
  5. It is calculated that the tensibility valve of tensioning prestresed reinforcement and the prestressing loss value of the bondless prestressed concrete frame beams with large-scale space in a constructing engineering. 计算了某工程大跨度无粘结预应力混凝土框架梁施工时的预应力筋张拉伸长值和预应力施工损失值。
  6. Keywords spider silk;assemble structure;shape structure;strength and tensibility;contraction; 蜘蛛丝;聚集态结构;形态结构;强神性;收缩性能;