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2024-02-14 06:52:17
美[tensəbəl]  英[tensɪbl]
adj.  可伸长的


  1. The tensible strength of vagus and spinal nerves is very alike . 迷走神经与脊神经的拉伸强度几乎完全相同。
  2. Structure type of laiwu mining area is the tensible, oblique fault block. 莱芜矿区属于伸展性掀斜断块构造类型。
  3. A foreign company is purchasing coated paper, newspaper and high tensible deformed bar in a large volume in China. 某外商在中国大量采购铜版纸、螺纹钢。
  4. We adopt the self-produced high quality chemical pulp to produce computer paper with the features of tensible strength, stable thickness and good dimensional stability. 采用自产高级化学纸浆生产之影印纸;纸色清白;刚挺度高;尺寸安定性佳适合各型式影印机使用.
  5. (2) The thread should be soft and smooth without floss, and the plying of fibers should be compact but flexible and tensible. 2、柔软而表面光滑,没有毛丝,纤维之间的绞结应该紧密,并要有一定的韧性和拉力。
  6. tensible rigidity 拉伸刚度