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2024-02-14 06:58:17
美[tenʃn]  英[tenʃn]
n.  紧张;拉力;张力;紧张状态;[电]电压
vt.  使拉紧;使绷紧
  形容词:tensional  过去式:tensioned  过去分词:tensioned  现在分词:tensioning  第三人称单数:tensions


  1. 紧张
  2. 拉紧, 绷紧
  3. 【物】张力,拉力,牵力,牵力,膨胀力
  4. 【电】电压
  5. 紧张局势,紧张状况
  6. 伸张,拉伸
  7. 蒸汽压,压强
  8. 拉紧装置,绷紧装置,绷子
  1. 使紧张
  2. 使拉紧,使绷紧
  3. 张紧,拉紧,绷紧
  4. 压击


  1. [U]紧张 mental, emotional or nervous strain
  2. [U][C]紧张的状态 condition when feelings are tense or relations between people, group, etc.
  3. [U]张力,拉力 state or degree of stretching or being stretched


  1. (psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense;

    "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension" "stress is a vasoconstrictor"

  2. the physical condition of being stretched or strained;

    "it places great tension on the leg muscles" "he could feel the tenseness of her body"

  3. a balance between and interplay of opposing elements or tendencies (especially in art or literature);

    "there is a tension created between narrative time and movie time" "there is a tension between these approaches to understanding history"

  4. (physics) a stress that produces an elongation of an elastic physical body;

    "the direction of maximum tension moves asymptotically toward the direction of the shear"

  5. feelings of hostility that are not manifest;

    "he could sense her latent hostility to him" "the diplomats first concern was to reduce international tensions"

  6. the action of stretching something tight;

    "tension holds the belt in the pulleys"


  1. cause〔create〕 the tension引起紧张
  2. ease〔lessen, relax〕 the tension缓和紧张局势
  3. feel the tension感到紧张
  1. the international tension国际紧张局势
  2. the racial tensions种族间的紧张关系
  1. the world tension世界紧张局势
  1. at the great tension紧张的
  2. in tension处于紧张状态
  3. sense of tension紧张感
  4. under the tension of在…压力下
  1. the tension between the two countries两国间的紧张状态
  2. the tension in foreign relations外交上的紧张关系


  1. The tension is building up.形势逐步紧张起来。
  2. The tension soon transmitted itself to all the members of the crowd.这种紧张情绪很快感染了人群中所有的人。
  3. A positive-stress component means tension.正应力分量表示拉力。
  4. If a wire is held under tension, it gets slightly longer.电线在拉力状态下会变得略微长点。
  5. A leather loop that slides to change the tension on the cord of a drum.滑动皮环通过滑动以改变鼓弦张力的皮环
  6. This wire will take 50 pounds tension before breaking.这根金属线在断裂之前能承受五十磅的张力。
  7. Tension mounted as we waited for the exam results to be published.我们在等待公布考试结果时气氛越来越紧张。
  8. high tension unit for x-ray television diagnosisX线电视诊断用高电压装置