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2024-02-14 07:53:17
美[tərætədʒən]  英[tərætədʒən]
n.  [生]致畸剂;畸胎剂


  1. any agent that interferes with normal embryonic development: alcohol or thalidomide or X-rays or rubella are examples


  1. It has been proved that alcohol is a confirmed teratogen to human beings and experimental animals. 酒精对人类和实验动物是一种确定的致畸原已经得到充分肯定。
  2. Objective: To study the changes of sister chromatid exchange(SCE) rate in the mutator cell of tumor cell and mutagenized by drug or teratogen. 目的:了解在肿瘤细胞中、一些药物、致畸物引起的突变细胞中姐妹染色单体交换(SCE)率的变化。
  3. MeHg is a confirmed teratogen in human.It can impair the germ cells and influence the growth and development of the offspring. 甲基汞是人类已知的致畸原,可以对生殖细胞造成损害,并进一步影响子代的生长发育。
  4. Experimental result shows that Endosulfan、Dichlorvos 1‰has strong effect to kill drosophila,but it is also an stronger inhibitor and teratogen to mycelial growth. 实验结果表明:在1‰浓度下,毒龙、敌敌畏对果蝇的杀灭作用很强,但同时对菌丝的生长有较强的抑制作用和致畸作用。
  5. Keywords sister chromatid exchange;checking;teratogen; 关键词姐妹染色单体交换;检测;诱变物;
  6. teratogen A chemical substance that can cause alterations in developing cells at the embryonic stage of development. 畸胎原能引起发展中的胚胎产生细胞改变的化学物质。