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2024-02-14 07:55:17
美[ˌterətədʒenɪk]  英[ˌterətədʒenɪk]
adj.  产生畸形的


  1. of or relating to substances or agents that can interfere with normal embryonic development


  1. What pregnant women more prone to teratogenic ? 保护好子宫意义重大。子宫有十怕。
  2. Objective To observe the teratogenic effects of ginseng flower bud extract. 目的观察人参花蕾提取物对大鼠的致畸作用。
  3. GCD may be the result of teratogenic insult rather than a genetic defect , and may be at least partially reversible in some patients
  4. In order to study teratogenic effects of Opuntia milpa alta flower o n embryos of SD rats. 为了了解仙人掌粉对SD大鼠胚胎致畸作用的影响。
  5. OBJECTIVE To detect toxicity of Changqing Capsule in rats during teratogenic sensitive period. 目的观察常青胶囊对大鼠致畸敏感期的毒性。
  6. Among them, carcinogenic, teratogenic and mutagenic effects of some 500 species. 其中有致癌、致畸、致突变作用的约500余种。